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Amoroa (Molly) Luke

MNZM, JP - Trustee

Molly was raised in Wairau Pa and has spent her life in the service of helping others. From a career in aged care, social work, Māori health and whānau ora, she has front line experience of working directly with whānau who need help addressing all the challenges life sometimes throws at us.

Molly is of Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Toa and Maniapoto descent.

As such she has taken senior leadership roles in iwi and Māori development, Waitangi Tribunal preparations and negotiations, establishment and delivery of Whānau Ora through the Taumata of Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu , Manu Taiki of Tu Pono o te whānau o Te Tauihu o Te Waka ā-Māui (reducing whānau harm), as well as being a Trustee of Māori lands within the Wairau.

Her passion has always been whānau wellbeing and has been working closely with Marlborough Hospice for over 10 years. Now as a Board member, Molly looks forward to using her knowledge and skills, contributing to the kaupapa of hospice.

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