Sara, originally from Christchurch and relocating to Blenheim in 2013, brings a wealth of diverse experiences to her role, with a background in military and logistics. She ventured into private education, all while navigating the intricacies of raising a growing family. A driven professional, Sara is passionate about hospice care having recently embarked on an opportunity as a casual Health Care Assistant (HCA) which has also deepened her understanding and insight within the health care sector.
For almost six years, Sara has been an asset to the Hospice Marlborough team, effectively managing facility and grants. In her facilities role, she optimizes operational efficiency, overseeing physical assets, hospital equipment, security, health, safety, energy efficiency, compliance, and emergency response.
Sara’s understanding of Hospice Marlborough’s inner workings has also allowed her to take on the role of managing grant proposals and applications on behalf of the organisation underscoring her commitment to securing vital resources to enable Hospice Marlborough to continue providing compassionate care and support to those in need.