Your Voice
We would like to hear from you
Hospice Marlborough provides a high-quality specialist palliative care service to meet the growing needs of our community, striving to ensure the preferences of our patients, whānau and carers are catered to.
In providing the support and caring attention needed, we also aim to reduce the chances of any unexpected problems happening while you are under our care, which is also part of our duty of care: legally, morally, and ethically.
Our dedication to obtaining feedback specifically from patients, their whānau and their carers on their experiences with us, helps us to improve our services and to meet the changing needs of our community. See below the different ways you can provide feedback.
Your Rights
When you use any health service in New Zealand, your rights are protected under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer Rights.
All people receiving medical services have a right to be notified of their rights and responsibilities.
All people have the right to exercise those rights, and all decisions and choices they make will guide their hospice care.
Learn more on the Health and Disability Commissioner Website >
Download the Code of Rights >
Your Voice
Hospice Marlborough provides a high-quality specialist palliative care service to meet the growing needs of our whole community, striving to ensure the preferences of our patients, their whānau and their carers, are catered to.
Our services are organised around the four pillars of palliative care: physical, emotional, spiritual, and social. In providing the support and caring attention needed, we also aim to reduce the chances of any unexpected problems happening while you are with us, which is also part of our duty of care: legally, morally, and ethically.
If you have any comments or concerns about the service provided by Hospice Marlborough, we welcome your feedback. Call Us on (03) 578 9492 or email
Hospice Marlborough Care and Post Care Survey
Our dedication to obtaining feedback specifically from patients, their whānau and their carers on their experiences with us, helps us to improve our services and to meet the changing needs of our community.
Download our Hospice Marlborough Care Survey >
Download our Hospice Marlborough Post Care Survey >
Request a physical survey email or have posted to you >
Arrange a face-to-face consultation with one of our Community Team >
We thank you for your time and attention, we appreciate your feedback.